




Pursuant to Chapter III of the Statute, there are ordinary, honorary, junior and supporting members of the Society.

Ordinary member is a natural person fully capable of legal actions who submitted written declaration of entering the Society and whose candidacy was suggested by two current members of the Society and approved by the Board of Society.

Honorary member is a person to whom such dignity is granted by General Meeting of the members of Society, at the request of the Board, for outstanding merits in realization of statutory objectives of Society.

Junior member is an underage person (16 - 18 years old) and a young person under 16 years of age having consent of his/her legal representative, meeting other requirements as set for an ordinary member. Junior member under 16 years of age does not have active or passive election right and the right to participate in voting during General Meeting of Society members.

Supporting member is a natural or legal person to whom such dignity is granted by the Society Board for providing financial or material assistance to the Society.

Actually, the above provisions mean that, in majority of cases, in order to become a member of PTM it is necessary to fill in Membership Declaration which may be received at the office of the Society from a member, downloaded as the file below and printed, or requested from the PTM Secretary by email. One should remember that it is obligatory to have support of two introducing members (please use the list of members). Then, the Declaration, including membership card photo, shall be sent to the address of the Society. The membership fee shall be paid after receipt of confirmation of admittance as a member of PTM. 

Declaration (doc Word 2000)