






The Planetarium and Astronomical Observatory in Olsztyn (OPiOA) and

The Polish Meteoritical Society (PTM) would like to invite you for

The 5th Meteoritical Conference and the General Assembly of PTM

to be held 24th – 25th April 2009 in Olsztyn, Poland.

The details of the agenda you may find on the OPiOA www-site: http://www.planetarium.olsztyn.pl
or on the PTMet www-site:   http://www.ptmet.org.pl/olsztyn2009a.htm

You may download the entry form "formularz zgłoszeniowy 1" from our www-site.

Please send us the written application to participate: OPiOA, Al. Piłsudskiego 38, 10-450 Olsztyn, Poland or by e-mail: biala@planetarium.olsztyn.pl

The pre-registration deadline is January 31, 2009.

The Council of the Polish Meteoritical Society is proud to invite your participation in the 5th annual conference on meteoritics to be held on April 18-20, 2008 in Wroclaw.

In addition to scientific lectures held by the most prominent Polish scientists in the field, on the agenda (for the time being) are the unveiling of a plaque commemorating Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni, widely regarded as the "Father of Meteoritics", as well as a sightseeing tour in Wroclaw (German: Breslau), the city of Chladni's death.

Should any of you consider participation in this special event, we will gladly provide you with all the necessary information and guidance regarding Poland, accommodation and registration.


Planetarium and Astronomical Observatory in Olsztyn (OPiOA) and The Board of Polish Meteoritical Society (PTMet) would like to invite you for the 4-th Meteoritical Conference in Olsztyn, the capital town of Warmia and Mazurian Region.
Conference will take place in OPiOA Planetarium building (address: Al. Pilsudskiego 38) on 20 – 21 of April 2007. The details of agenda you may find on the PTMet www-site: http://www.ptmet.org.pl/olsztyn2007a.htm

The conference fee 70zl (about 17 euro) you may pay at the conference. The cost of all the conference materials is included in the fee.
You may download the entry form (
nowe zgłoszenie.doc) from our www-site and send it to the address: OPiOA, Al. Piłsudskiego 38, 10-450 Olsztyn, Poland
or send it by e-mail: biala@planetarium.olsztyn.pl


PMS Committee would like to invite you to the 6th Meteoritical Conference which will take place in Warsaw/Wyszkow on the 7th-9th of April 2006. The details about the conferece can be found on our web-site (polish version). We kindly ask our non-polish guests  to contact us by an e-mail:
ptmet@wp.pl The official conference language is polish. We are looking forward to seeing you there / (05.01.2006).

We would like to invite you for the meeting of meteorite collectors which will take place in Sosnowiec in habitat of our society on the 5th of November. We plan to participate in mineral fair, session about minerals, meteorite exhibiton and disscusion about meteorites / (26.10.2005).